Sunday, October 23, 2011

Come to the Cabaret !

Oh, how we love to have Grandma in town. My mother came up for a visit this weekend, which was nice because now that she's retired, she can spend more time with us and less on the road traveling. The girls love having her around, and was doubly nice for the parents. Mom volunteered to watch the girls tonight to give Rachel and I the chance to go out on a date without having to spring for a sitter (they're expensive now). Rachel needed to go and see the current play at West Chester University for her theatre class, and it just made sense to combine the two activities into one. However, that was also the cap to a very busy day for us. My day was fairly mundane, as I had to work until 1 PM and pick up ice cream. Rachel had it far worse -- after morning tae kwon do lessons for her and the girls, there was the Primary activity at church, picking up a birthday cake, setting up for daughter #2 birthday party, cleaning up, taking a rogue child home, and then home to eat a quick dinner before off to the play. What a day! In any case, it was nice to have that extra Grandma hands to help with the girls.

In fact, I don't even mind the fact that I made the decision to miss my 2oth high school reunion in Virginia to spend time with everyone. High school wasn't the highlight of my existence, so it actually wasn't too hard to decide what I was going to do. There was the surprise that a girl I barely knew back then told me that she'd miss seeing me - and then backed that sentiment up with a memory of me to prove that she wasn't just putting me on to try and pump money out of me for a ticket. Oh, well, perhaps I'll live long enough to go to the 25th reunion.
