Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Family Portrait

I worked on Saturday, and was checking our work schedule for this week. I completely let it slip that Monday was President's Day, and it's one that is observed by Safeway for backstage employees. There are seven "corporate" holidays that Safeway observes for their backstage staff, with President's Day being an odd pick for one of the seven. I mean, you have New Years, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas as the big six. I just don't get how President's Day made it over Martin Luther, or Columbus Day. For most of the office is off, but Field Services is required to have staff in the field of some sort. Checking the schedule, Paul was scheduled, with Kris and myself having off. I was fully prepared to take the shift, to make some extra money - until I got called out for a sev 1 on Sunday. So, after calling Paul to apologize for not taking the shift, it turned out I was off.

Rachel and I decided it would be pretty fun to get a family portrait done, since we all had matching shirts (another story, I'll tell it if you want later). We got in touch with Picture People early, thank goodness, and were able to secure an 11 AM appointment. We had already washed and dried out outfits the night before, just in case, and headed to the mall. After all was said and done, here's how the picture turned out:

For some reason I love the Product (RED) items from the Gap. I'm not sure if it's the cause it represents, or the colors, but I just love them. I ordered a shirt from, along with Allison, Ryleigh and Linday's, as the girls shirts were on sale for 4 bucks each. Rachel bought her's on Monday at Gap in the mall. The salespeople were all looking at us, and thought it was pretty neat we decided to go with their product for our family portrait. I am even wearing two Product (RED) leather bracelets, as you can see. I think it turned out great, and we got the chance to use the shirts we originally bought for something else (again, if you want to know, ask again later).


Anonymous said...

I love this picture! Can I guess what the something else is? :)

Unknown said...

OH MY.. Too cute. Lindsay has gotten so big in just 2 months since we saw you guys.

Mom said...

My first comment is...What a darling family. I love the look and how each of you are posed. My second comment is.....WHERE'S MY COPY?????? I have to have one for my wallet and office as well.....yes, I know I can make copies off of the internet and I shall try and make one, but an 8x10 glossy would not be wasted. HUMMMMMMMMMM??????????

Vicky said...

I want to know what the story is behind the shirts...

Fetcher said...

Vicky -

These are the shirts we purchased for our family, in the event that we did a reunion pic of each family wearing the same color shirts. Seemed like a waste to not use them for a portrait of some kind. I think it turned out well, but I'm biased. *giggles*

Joseph and Jenny said...

Rachel, it's nice to see your growing family. That little Lindsay is sure a cutie-pie!

Laura said...

I love the picture--they turned out very good! Yall have a very nice looking family.