Friday, June 27, 2008
Why do I feel so weird?
Why do I feel so weird for making a page? For some reason I can't explain, just feels odd. Like I'm trying too hard to be youthful. Oh, well - - it'll probably sit around collecting dust like my Facebook page, my free Juno account, and the other cool internet stuff that I thought would be fun, but soon were ditched. In any case, if you wanna add me as a friend, I need some more pictures of everyone in my friends section. I may feel weird about making a page, but I don't want to also feel like a loser. Thanks to Jim and Jess for already adding me as a friend, much love sent out to you guys, and we'll see you in a week.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It Makes me Wonder
Now, here's my thinking: if someone walks into a 7-11 dressed in the manner they're describing and picturing ... you've got bigger issues than trying to ask them nicely to leave or to remove the offending clothing.
"Sir, you'll have to put down that shotgun and take off that mask... we don't allow people in ski masks to come inside"
"Sir, that fake mustache will need to come off or NO SLURPEE FOR YOU!!"
"What a minute, that's a Bill Clinton mask ..... Get outta here you fooler"
If I was working the register at the local convenience store, and someone in a ski mask comes inside, the first thing I'm doing is pooing myself. Second is opening the cash drawer and throwing all the money at them while cowering behind the counter with the porno mag display as a shield. The sign just struck me funny for some reason, just misguided optimism. What do you think?
RUSH !!!!
During Christmas, Jim and Jess came over from Pittsburgh to stay with us for the holiday. We were discussing when next we would be getting together. Rachel and I decided to spend the Fourth of July with them this year. I've only had that holiday off once since we moved up here, and I wanted to take it off. Jim called me back in March to ask if there was any way for us to come out a few days early, since RUSH was coming in concert to Pittsburgh. Since my co-worker was already off that week, there really was no way I could take that extra time off. I felt bad, since RUSH is one of my favorite bands, and it was Jim that introduced me to them. The first RUSH song I remember hearing was "Roll the Bones" although I didn't know it was them when I heard it. They were on the Tonight Show (Leno, BLECHHH) promoting their album and I liked the song. It wasn't until years later, that Katie and Jim informed me that RUSH sang that song. The album "Counterparts" came out, and that started Jim and I going to see them in concert. We saw them on the Counterparts tour, Test for Echo, and I think one other time ... not sure on that one, Jim will have to let me know, but I think it was one other time. Well, I saw from looking at the concert schedule that RUSH was coming to Philly. I told Jim he could always come out here to see them, and he said he would talk to Jess. Well, Lo and Behold, Jim and Jess made a weekend out of it and came out two weeks ago. Jim bought my ticket as a birthday present, and also drove down to the stadium.
Whomever schedules events for the Sports Complex should be drawn and quartered for the fiasco of that Saturday. Either that, or raffle off a chance to take a ballpeen hammer to his "nether" region by five lucky fans. Get this: RUSH was in concert at the Wachovia Center, the Soul (arena football) were playing a home game at the Spectrum, and Jimmy EFFING Buffet was playing at Citizens Bank Park and sold the stadium out. I was shocked, all we needed was Manchester United playing an exhibition at Lincoln Financial Field to complete the total cluster screw that was going on in the shared parking lots of all these sports buildings. We left the house at 5:10 PM and parked at 7 PM - and passed the following sign:
We found out that the Citizens Bank parking lot was a "No Tailgating" zone, these signs were posted and Jim was given a flyer when we paid and went in (20 bucks ... OUCH). I had parked in this same lot earlier this year when I went to a Soul game, and paid 12 bucks. I guess I didn't account for the Jimmy Buffet inflation variable when choosing a lot. So, Jim and I started walking to the venue, passing these people along the way: