Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Path

It's amazing how our wives can sometimes frustrate we men.

I had talked for over a year about the possibility of going back to school, but it never happed due to the economics of it all. My last experience with higher education left me with zero confidance, and made it hard for me to even consider going back. I was at a point in my life, back then, where I wasn't sure what I wanted to do as a career. I was just going to college to keep my parents placated, and because that was what I was supposed to do. I had a good job, making good money, and there didn't seem to be a need for me to pursue that path. I also had really poor teachers, and I was badly prepared for what college would hold for me. All these added up to my non-chalance towards school, and since I was paying for the whole thing myself, what did it matter if I attended or not?

All these years later, here I am, still with the same company. Thank goodness, it's not in the same job I held back then, but how many people my age can say they've been with one company for almost twenty years? In any case, I have started to feel in the past year that my "glass ceiling" has been reached. Yes, ladies, the glass ceiling applies to men as well. I was pretty much told by my supervisor that I wouldn't be suited for supervisor level and above, due to my impetuous nature and my tendency to call a spade, a spade. Well, that didn't sit well with me and I ended up feeling very depressed. That also started me thinking that I needed to make a change in my life, that I needed to make that change because it sure as heck wasn't going to happen on it's own. (Listen to me talk about change, looks like the political ads are getting to me). But how? Well, we visited Ben and Sarah in July and that's where the serious talk started. Rachel applied for me, and then kicked me down to take the placement tests. So, now I'm a 35 year old college freshman. I'm taking 12 credit hours, all online, and it looks like I can do something more than fix printers. Wish me luck.



Susan Staus said...

Wow Aaron! That's great!!! What are your courses in? Where are you taking them?
GOOD LUCK to you!!!! You are so brave!!!! I don't think I could ever go back to school! I am so glad to be done!

The Edwards Clan said...

WOW, Aaron!! That's AWESOME!!! I really do wish you the BEST of luck! I really admire your decision and the thought that went into it. I hope things go really well for you. HAPPY STUDYING!

Laura said...

I am happy for you--I always think about it and never do it--so kudos to you and Rachel for actually doing it! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I know I already told you this on the phone, but I really am proud of you. I remember talking to you this summer and seeing the desire in your eyes and I am so proud of the two of you for making it happen.

Caboose said...

Awesome Aaron! I am glad that you are doing what makes you happy and being motivated to go to school. One of those necessary evils that only you can find out you need.