Friday, May 15, 2009

Another One Down

Friday is the official date when final grades are due from our professors for the spring semester. My professors this time around have all submitted their grades, so at least I didn't have to wait too long. Here's a breakdown:

Microeconomics, Grade: A. I don't know how anyone in that class didn't get an A who completed it from this professor. The discussion board topics only required students to respond a minimum of three times over three different days for full credit (100%) in the respective chapter. There was also a chance for extra credit if you responded more than three times over three different days. The homework assignments allowed multiple attempts to keep trying until you got it right, and the exams were all open book. Shame on anyone that didn't get an A (from this teacher, not for microeconomics in general)

English Writing, Grade: A. I placed into an English prep class once I ended up taking my placement test last summer. I was annoyed, but it was fairly obvious to anyone that I was rusty in my writing skills. My score was enough to place me into English 101 at some schools, but the standards for MontCo are higher for whatever reason. I got an A in the class, but it really was kinda a no-brainer.

History of Western Civilizations, Modern European, Grade: A-. The class consisted of weekly discussion board assignments, in which we had to interpret in our own words the chapter that we read. There were four papers we had to write that each covered a quarter of the class, one midterm and one final. There wasn't much room for error on any of these assignments, which I found annoying.

Accounting II, Grade: B+. This was mainly due to Rachel's tutoring, as her ability to pick up on accounting principles quickly made me jealous. I started out fine, but struggled later in the semester. I give full credit to Rachel for helping me attain the grade I did.

Introduction to Astronomy, Grade: B-. I struggled a lot, as the work required a lot of time that I didn't have to devote fully to the class. I started to lose focus about a third of the way through, but was able to pull things together for the final. I'll always wonder if I could have gotten a higher grade in the class if I had been able to devote the time I needed. At least my lab science elective is over with early, instead of putting it off until my last semester as originally planned.

In all, a successful semester. I'm taking a full load this summer as well, and by the end of August, I'll have officially completed my first year of college. Not bad, considering the dismal failure that I was back when I was fresh from high school. Sorry to bore you all with the details, but I am proud of the progress I've made.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Aaron! You should be proud of yourself!! I'm proud of you too. :) --Sarah

Unknown said...

Dude you can ramble on about your grades all you want. I am very proud as well as jealous of you. In two semesters you've taken as many credits as I did in four AND did better in at least MICRO. SO, with that said BRAG AWAY Mr. Smarty-pants!

Fetcher said...

Thank you Sarah for your words of encouragement, I'll always appreciate your support and the fact that you didn't laugh last summer when I spoke about the possibility of going back to start college.

Thank you Jess for your example, as I saw it was possible to juggle work, family and school at the same time. I also thank you for your encouragement, and for your love towards my little family.

Mark Edwards said...

Aaron, that's great. I had no idea, when you talked about school, that you were taking that many classes. Most full-time students do far worse and have nothing else to do.

Fetcher said...


Thanks for your comments about my return to school. I'm being aggressive in my class selection for a few reasons. First, Rachel has been great. She's actually in school full-time as well, so after the kids go to bed - it's laptop/book time. Most nights we're up to midnight or so, but we'd be up that late anyway. I will sometimes drag into the later hours finishing an assignment or two, and then collapse. Second, I've been aggressive and had success so that drives me to continue the aggressive scheduling. I have four this summer, five in the fall, and four in the spring - and I can graduate with my AS on time. Third, I want to get done as quickly as I can, and if you want something bad enough -- you'll do it.
