Sunday, February 24, 2008

My latest

Today's post: Something that I really hate. (shocker, huh?)

Rachel and I have been married for almost 9 years now, so far we've lived at Mom's in Fairfax, in Manassas VA, and Pennsylvania. We've met a good number of people in that time, and made some lasting friendships. We've also made good friends, who turn out to totally snub and forget us once either they or we move. Some history first.

I never was really big on keeping in touch with people, not that it wasn't important to me to do so, but I just didn't think about it. I complained a lot when the house in Fairfax broke up, with Jim moving back to Pittsburgh and I ended up at Mom's again, about friends not keeping in touch with me. I complained all the way up here to Pottstown, as the people I thought were my friends never called/emailed/visited me. I realize now that some of this was my own fault, as I didn't make the effort to keep the lines of communication open with them. That being said, with Rachel's help, I am a ton better at keeping in touch with friends and family than I ever was before.

Which leads me to my current issue. I really hate it when friends move away. No matter if it's the next county, or across the nation, the result is the same. "Let's keep in touch" or "I could never lose you guys" or "You're too special to forget" or some amalgum of these sentiments is invariably uttered by one or both parties. I hate that, because in my own experience, this never happens. I've lost countless friends to the wind, all promising to keep in touch -- but emails go unanswered, phone calls and voice mails ignored, and these people I let into my heart STOMP on it with their callous shoulder turned to me. I would much rather someone tell me, "Look, we had a good run. I like you a lot, but let's be honest, I'm moving away and will never see you again. I'm going to be making other friends, and I really don't have the time or effort to keep in touch with you." That would be honest, and refreshing for once, rather than telling me how much I mean to you, and then completely ignoring when I try to keep in touch. I take that stuff personal. So, to the Edwards, the Ecks, the Smiths, the Abels, and now the Hassels, amongst many others - - goodbye.

EDIT: I wasn't talking about Jim and Jessica in my post about the house breaking up and not staying in touch. They've been solid on that count.


Unknown said...

Man I was going to tell you it was nice knowing ya, but you know we won't be able to keep in touch until I read your "ps". You're lucky you threw that one in there.

Fetcher said...

Tell me about it, I read the post and knew I had to put something in there that stated that you guys have been great, and that I am lucky to have you and Jim in my life. Not because I had to, but because it's true.

Unknown said...

Call me an animal, but I kinda live in the "now" moreso than many other people. I don't even really keep close touch with brothers and sister several thousand miles away that well either. I think that it is not an unwillingness or apathy on my part to make an effort, but rather an understanding of eternity. I will see my friends again and can catch up on all the dirt I missed.
When you leave my house after a visit we don't gush with "I'll call you soon" because we know we will see each other soon enough in some other capacity. It doesn't mean I don't miss your presence, just that I can wait to love you in person.