Sunday, September 9, 2007

Under the Weather

Being sick sucks. I hate being sick. I woke up on Wednesday morning, with my throat very, very sore, and just knew a doozy of a cold was coming. You know how that is, right? I mean, once you've lived in your body long enough, you know when something isn't right. My tell for sickness is the sore throat. So, Wednesday I knew all day what was coming. I sucked on hard candy, and gargled with salt water, which I knew wouldn't work, but sometimes old wives tales turn out to be true. Thursday, I awoke and was just miserable. My head hurt, coughing my head off, achy, and just altogether a mess. I worked that day, and just knew it was a mistake. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was go to sleep. We got dinner and the kids squared away. Friday morning came, and I was still just out of it, but this time I called out to work. I don't call off from work unless I am a danger to drive, and in my condition, I just didn't feel safe behind the wheel. Saturday, I'm in a little better shape, but still sick. I was supposed to go to a training meeting at the Stake Center, but blew it off so I could rest. I'm sure Dave is going to be pleased with me. So, this is a short one .... take care of your bodies, all !!

1 comment:

James C. said...

Hope you're feeling better!