Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!

Well, this morning I sending greetings and salutations from the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!  When Jim, Jess and Billy came out for the Christmas holiday last year, we were trying to decide when next to get our families together.  We usually came out to visit for the Memorial Day weekend, but this year I decided that I was going to take the Fourth of July off.  After a quick talk to all parties, we decided it was a go and here we are.  

Work was tough to slog through yesterday, seeing how I knew that I was on vacation once the day was up.  I decided early on to start my day at a store that was farther away, and then work back methodically until it was at least 4 PM before I could go home.  Well, I accomplished this goal a little too well.  We didn't end up leaving our house until like 5:30 PM after dropping off movies at Hollywood video, getting gas, and then playing the stop and go game of traffic south of Reading, PA.  Things were good on the trip, except for the construction hold-ups on the turnpike until we decided to stop in Breezewood for dinner, bathroom/diaper breaks, and to stretch our feet.  McDonald's is a parents best friend at times, as most kids will eat the chicken nuggets without complaining.  It can also be a demon, as that's all that the kids will eat, even though the parents might actually want to go somewhere else for dinner, but don't want to hear the bitching once the "Golden Arches" come into view.  Anyhow, that's where I decided to stop and eat.  Big mistake - - and it was all McDonald's fault.  The drive-through lane was packed, and we needed the bathrooms anyway, so we parked and went inside.  I stood in a long, long line while Rachel took the two oldest to the bathroom.  Once Rachel was done with that, I took Lindsay to change the diaper and so I could use the facilities as well.  That was done, and I popped Lindsay into the high chair, sat Allie and Ryleigh down into the booth, while I fed Lindsay some baby food.  Rachel finally was able to order the food, and then we left.  Well, guess what took us so freakin' long at McDonalds?  THERE WAS ONLY ONE REGISTER OPEN FOR EVERYONE!!!  Yep, some pimply-faced kid was taking everyone's order, and then there were a few people in the back filling them at a snail's pace.  So, between the drive-through and the counter business, there were two registers open.  On the day before a major U.S. holiday.  Morons.  I know that everyone on the six o'clock news claims that travel is down from past years due to gas prices, but for the love, there are still going to be people traveling.  

We got back on the road, and then were treated to the cat and mouse game being played out by the crazy truckers zooming in and out of traffic in the rain.  Rachel and I were both getting nervous about passing these guys, and couldn't wait until the rain stopped, or we got to Cranberry (our destination).  Just seemed like there were a lot of impatient drivers last night, wanting to get home at all costs, and things were in the way.  In any case, we're here at Jim and Jess' home, and it feels like a second home to us.  I love these guys and can't wait for the next few days.

More later - but I will say this:  Happy Independence Day to everyone!  

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